
Asha Siraj, 14

Asha is a 14 year old girl who recently enrolled into our school. She's very smart and picks up on course material very quickly.

Brigda Ndanu, 14

Brigda is a 14 year old girl who enrolled back in 2020.

Daniel Wanyonyi, 17

Daniel was found on the streets of Reuben and enrolled into the school back in 2020. He's well mannered and very passionate about his education.

Alexander Ngui, 16

Daniel enrolled into the school when he was 14 years old. He's very bright and shows a lot of promise.

David Mwendwa, 16

David is 16 years old, he was enrolled in our school when he was 15 years old. He was staying with a distant relative, who had neglected him. Living in such a difficult situation forced him to seek help. He was accepted into Glorious Acadamy, to provide an education, a home, and a better tomorrow.

Delight Awour, 15

Delight is 15 years old she was enrolled in our school when she was fourteen. Her parents died in a tragic road accident and she was left homeless. She was picked up by a good samaritan who helped her for a short time and then enrolled into our school.

Immanuel Saramba, 17

Immanuel is 17 years old, he was enrolled in our school a year ago. He's an orphan boy, who was picked up from the streets of Mukuru, after the demise of his parents.

Faith Sarah Mary, 14

Faith is 14 years old, she was recently enrolled in our school. She's an orphan who was left alone after her parents were killed in a tragic road accident. Without parents. or a home and living in the slums, she was left helpless and without hope. She was referred to Glorious Acadamy and accepted by Pastor Boniface Magneti.

Geoffrey Muthoka, 16

Geoffrey is 16 years old, he was enrolled in our school two years ago. He becomes an orphan when his parents succumbed to problems related to their blood pressure. Geoffrey is energetic, young, and vibrant.

Hannah Mueni, 16

Hannah is 16 years old, she was enrolled in our school a year ago after complications with her parents.

Kevin Mwendwa, 16

Kevin is 16 years and enrolled into our school last year. He is very ambitious and vibrant.

Partrick Mohammed, 16

Patrick is 16 years old boy who recently enrolled in our school. He was staying with his disabled parents, who could hardly afford to feed him much less themselves. Patrick came to school seeking our help.

Rose Zaitun Mmbone, 14

Rose was recently enrolled into our school. She had been staying with her aunt after the death of her parents.

Shidado Barongo, 15

Shidado enrolled into our school recently. She's a bright girl who was living with her mother, who unfortunately was dealing with drug problems. Her mother was unable to care for her and she was referred to our school.

Yvonne Ndanu, 15

Yvonne was admitted into our school recently. She has undergone many hardships and trauma throughout her life but is healthy and doing well at our school. She loves to swim and her favorite subjects are mathematics and business.

Samuel Amani, 5

Samual is an adorable young boy who loves to read and draw. His favorite food is french fries.

Abberlyn Kailyn, 2

We found Abberlyn profusely crying near the school. We attempted to find her parents with the help of local government but had no success. She was enrolled shortly after.

Abigail Amanda, 7

Abigail was enrolled in our school at the age of four. She was found on the streets of Mukuru and was taken in by a good semeritan for a short time but could no longer support her so she came to us.

Alex Barasa, 14

Alex Barasa was enrolled in our school this year. Alex was abandoned by his parents and no one was willing to help him. He came ot us seeking a future.

Amina Suleiman, 5

Amina was admitted in 2020 at the age of 3. Her house was broken into and her parents ended up tragically killed. Someone dropped her off at our doorstep with nothing as little as a note.

Angel Nafula, 4

Angel was admitted into the school at the age of three. Her mother developed serious health complications after giving birth. Angel's grandfather ended up taking care of her. Unfortunately, it became too difficult at his age to deal with her mother's medical bills and to care for Angel simultaneously. He brought her to us and is now healthy and doing well.

Bamka Absolom, 6

Bamka was enrolled back in 2021. He was brought in by his stepfather in very poor condition. His mother died from cancer. The stepfather remarried, but due to poor circumstances at home, he gave her up and brought her to us.

Shananzy Nafula, 4

We took in Shananzy after we discovered that she was being neglected and not properly cared for. Ever since, she's been happy and healthy! Although young, she's very creative and loves to draw and color.

Blessing Stephen, 5

Blessing was enrolled in our school a few year ago. Blessing was staying with his father and step mother. His father brought him to us after being concerned that his stepmother was mistreating him.

Bolt Kasiti, 13

Bolt enrolled back in 2014. He loves mathematics and aspires to teach one day.

Cynthia Momanyi, 14

Cynthia enrolled back in 2016. Cynthia was living in Mukuru with an epileptic mother. Shrotly after her father passed away, it was clear that her mother wasn't able to take care of her.

Dennis Mutuku, 9

Dennis was enrolled when he was four. Dennis' parents died of HIV. With no one to care for him, he was brought to us by a neighbor. We've been taking care of him ever since. He loves making a spectacle through magic and aspires to become a magician when he's older.

Diana Obiero, 12

Diana enrolled when she was five. Both her parents were struggling with disabilities and could no longer care for her. They asked us for help and support.

Diana Simiyu, 12

Diana was enrolled when she was five years old. Diana was left in misery after her parents tragically died from food poisoning. Seeking help, her neighbors brought her to us.

Emmanuel Luchivya, 13

Emmanuel was enrolled at the age of five.

Favor Joy, 5

Favor was enrolled in our school when she was 2 years old. Favor was dumped near the school. She was found crying and looked lost with no place to go.

Glen Harrison, 13

Glen was enrolled in our school when he was five. Glen was staying with his diabetic mother who had blood pressure issues. Glen was always left home alone as his mother was regularely receiving medical treatment. Since she was struggling to take care of Glen and couldn't keep up with her medical bills, she asked us to help.

Goodluck Musela, 7

Goodluck was found by a stranger on the streets of Mukuru. He saw that he needed desperate help and wouldn't be able to survive on his own. The samaritan brought him to us. He's a very bright young boy who loves to draw and color.

Hellen Koli, 10

Hellen was enrolled in our school when she was four years old. Her father died in road accident and her mother had health issues relating to her blood pressure. As a result, she did not have sufficient income to take care of her and brought her to us.

Hosea Bravine Ndakwa, 11

Hosea enrolled when he was six. He was brought to our school by his aunt. He's very passionate about God and wants to become a preacher when he grows up. He's also very athletic and enjoys soccer.

Joy Ayuma, 4

Joy was enrolled when she was 4 years old. Her parents passed away due to COVID-19. She had nowhere to go. Luckily her neighbors brought her to us.

Kendrick Wandabwa, 4

Kendrick was found abandoned on the streets of Mukuru. He's a bright young boy who loves to draw and color. He's anxiously waiting for a sponsor so he can fulfill his full potential.

Maximilla Chepyagon, 5

Maximilla enrolled recently. She was living in the streets of Njenga and was rescued by someone who could only temporarily take care of her. She's very artisitic and loves to draw and color.

Mitchell Auma, 9

Mitchell was enrolled in our school when she was five years old. She unfortunately became a victim of political mayhem that took place after the general elections which claimed claimed many lives, including her parents. She was braught to us and is doing well. She's good with people and aspires to become a teacher when she grows up.

Morgan Okello, 12

Morgan enrolled in our school when he was just four years old. He was taken in shortly after his parents died in a tragic road accident. He's a very smart young boy who loves science and shows great interest in becoming an engineer.

Pellar Omwoyo, 6

Pellar was enrolled in our school when she was 2. She was found in a locked up house with no one to take care of her. They had to break into the house to rescue her. She was taken in shortly after.

Shadrack Omukuba, 14

Shadrack was enrolled into our school when he was six. He went through many unfortunate circumstances; from his fathers business catching fire to his mother running away, leaving his father to take care of him with no income. Due to poor conditions and lack of proper care, a neighbor brought him to us.

Sheila Kwamboka, 8

Sheila was enrolled into our school a year ago. She was picked up from the streets of Kwanjenga. We discovered that her parents died from asthma. She's a brilliant young girl who loves science and wants to become a doctor when she's older.

Timothy Wafula, 10

Timothy was enrolled when he was five. He was found on the streets of Reuben by a samaritan who was unable to find his parents.

Victoria Kioko, 15

Victoria enrolled when she was six. She was rescued by a passersby from boys who were seeking to harm her. Since she had nowhere to go, the passerby brought her to us.

Miriam Lynne Namaemba, 10

Miriam was found abandoned on the streets of Mukuru. She's an ambitious young girl who wants to become a doctor. She loves science and english.

Sherill Miheso, 4

Sherill was found abandoned at a very young age. She's a bright, beautiful young girl who loves to color. We hope that we can find her a loving home.

Esther Moraa, 11

Esther is very free-spirited. She aspires to become a model and wants to travel the world.

Faith Nanjama, 13

Faith is a brilliant young lady who wants to become an civil engineer and travel the world when she grows up. She loves arithmatic, reading and writing.

Mumo Musyoka, 11

Mumo is very gifted in mathematics and science and wants to become an engineer when she grows up. She also loves soccer and watching movies.

Emmanuel Mtinda, 10

Emmanuel is a very energetic young boy who loves to dance, draw and color.

Rachel Mutheu, 13

Rachel is a very creative young lady who loves arts & crafts and dancing. She aspires to become an actress.

Kelvin Wanjala, 12

Kelvin is a very smart boy who wants to become a neurosurgeon when he grows up. He loves science and watching movies.

Dolphin Kwamboka, 13

Dolphin wants to become a journalist when she grows up. Her favorite subjects are english and math and she loves to sing and dance.

Angel Moraa, 4

We found Bella when she was very young. She's a beautiful bright young girl who loves to draw and color.

Baraka Bisau, 6

We have been caring for Baraka ever since he lost his parents due to a political conflict here in Kenya. He's a very smart young boy who loves to draw and color.

Mecy Wairimu, 10

Mecy is an adorable young girl who loves to read and write.