Project Restore Hope

We are providing two meals a day and an education to nearly 800 children at Glorious Land Academy. We're located in Mukuru, a slum in eastern Nairobi, Kenya.

"While working in the slums it was very evident that little of the money ever reaches the people in need."

About Us

It all begins with a medical mission trip to Mukuru, in 2007. Dr. Michelle Scott went on a 7-day mission trip with her church, in the hopes to make a medical difference. During that trip, it became evident that little of the money ever reaches the people in need.


At that time, President Bush was investing a tremendous amount of money in Africa due to aids epidemic. As we traveled throughout the slums, it was clear no one here was benefiting from the United States’ help. The people of Nairobi were being tested on a regular basis for AIDS and if they tested positive, they would lose their jobs and end up in the slums with no help.


She left with a desire in her heart to help this Christian community that was led by a dedicated man of God, Pastor Boneface Mangetti. In the seventeen years that I have worked with him, he has shown tremendous love for his fellow slum dwellers and the people of Kenya. He bought the land in Mukuru 20 years ago and started the church and school. When we began there were only 60 students. Today we support over 700 students, 70 orphans, and about 50 staff members, providing education and two meals a day for students and staff. In 2019, our school competed against 221 other schools in Nairobi Kenya, and finished first.

Our goal is to make them independent, I feel God has led me to do this through connecting them to the internet.  There is no land available in the slums and It is extremely expensive. My goal is to replace the current building with a four story secure building with the fourth floor being for people working to bring in money through the internet. To get them trained in computer programming, website design etc. We have tried micro loans, in that we gave people money to start a business. They were more than willing but almost no one suceeded because the economy is completely depressed. There was no money available to sustain a business. These people are the poorest of the poor. 



We have been supporting a Christian church and school for 17 years in the slums of Mukuru, which is located in Nairobi, Kenya. 


Nairobi has approximately 2.5 million slum dwellers across 200 settlements, yet 60% of the population occupies only 6% of the land. The Mukuru slums consist of approximately 30 villages and are home to over 700,000 people.


Life in Nairobi is separated by a wall. On one side there is the lavish, modern lifestyle for the middle and upper class, living in posh upmarket estates and suburbs. The other houses the poverty-stricken, where decent shelter, toilets, running water, electricity, and sewage systems are non-existent. 


It costs to be a slum dweller. Only 10% of the population even owns a shack, the remaining 90% are residents with no ownership rights. The average size of a shack is 12ft x 12ft, built with mud and corrugated tin walls & roofs, with a dirt or concrete floor. These shacks often house up to 8 or more residents, with many sleeping on the floor. The tenant cost to occupy a slum house is about 700 shillings per month or $6USD.


Help us empower the future of our children.

This has not been an easy task and we continue to face challenges each and every day. The current school and church reside in a very small dilapidated building. It’s constructed of corrugated tin, mud, and wood, and has undergone several repairs over the years.

We are in the midst of planning & funding the construction of a new building, as we desperately need to replace it, but we can't do this alone and would greatly appreciate your help!



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Project Restore Hope

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